
Carla 2

Lately I have been changing my blog layout and have been playing with the size of the pictures aswell. In the past, I found the images were a bit too small and not standing out. Now, I am under the impression they are a bit too big and you cannot see the whole picture at once. So I am trying another sizing: 600 x 750 pixels. On my computer with my resolution, it works fine. I am curious wether it is ok for you with different screens so let me know what you think about it please.


I am also working on a new shape I will try to release soon, well, when I am satisfied with it which might not be so soon. Here is a first glimpse of Carla, though the shape in that state already doe not exist anymore as I have changed the chin since I have taken the pictures.

Carla 3

I know I won’t become rich with selling shapes. I can tell I am actualy spending more money styling a shape than earning anything from the sales. It does not matter much, it is part of my fun in Second Life, it has been before I have started to blog and I guess it is the case for a lot of people who are doing the same. So I just hope you’ll like this one.


Shape: ** Dunes ** Carla Shape (coming soon)
Skin: *League* Jen Medium Lavender
Eyes: IKON ‘Sunrise’ Eyes – Light Sand (S)
Eyelashes: Slink Mesh Lashes
Hair: [LeLutka]-TREND hair – Bournville
Eyeglasses: [Gos] Custom Eyeware v3.3 – INTUITION
Dress: * Mimikri – Marni Shiftdress spice
Watch: Donna Flora GLORIA watch
Ring: Donna Flora ARTURO ring R
Nails: Leverocci – Round Nails_1FA_ScarlettPlain
Shoes: NX-Nardcotix MANA Era Gator Peep Toe Red at O Glam Sim
Poses: Diesel Works